Valentines Day Grief

The public focus on love can evoke painful and sad feelings for those who are bereaved. Let’s discuss ways in which you can effectively cope with your grief and how we can best support others.

PTSD Among Police Officers

This is a sneak peek of what’s to come during our upcoming live session on PTSD among Police Officers. This is a brief video chat with Deputy Morell who shared his heart regarding the trauma faced by police officers on a daily basis.

Suicide and the Impact on Surviving Siblings

The sibling relationship is typically one of the strongest bonds in the familial structure. The surviving sibling may struggle with conflicting feelings with regard to their current role within the family dynamic after the suicidal crisis. Join us as Charlene Morell shares her personal testimony of grief, healing, and purpose after her brother completed suicide.

Grief and Hoarding Part 2

People with hoarding disorder have persistent difficulty getting rid of or parting with possessions due to a perceived need to save the items. Attempts to part with possessions create considerable distress and lead to decisions to save them. The resulting clutter disrupts the ability to use living spaces (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). We were excited…

Grief and Hoarding Part 1

Did you know that hoarding is often triggered by a traumatic loss or event? Common contributors include divorce, childhood poverty, and death of a loved one. People can start hoarding after such events as a way to avoid grieving. Hoarding becomes a comfort that can allow them to avoid working through the pain of their trauma.…

Grief and Loss in the LGBTQ Community

This population faces a higher amount of discrimination, hate crimes, and violence. The LGBTQ community is faced with other unique losses such as the possibility of rejection from family and friends. This can cause isolation, hurt, anger and depression. Let’s talk about it!

Mind and Money Talk

We all have predetermined beliefs about money. If you would like to adjust your mindset to achieve financial goals, watch our financial session (Mind and Money talk) with our special guest Ayanna Smith, Licensed Financial Professional.

Financial Wellness Pt. 2

Finances are the most common source of stress among men and women. Managing that stress can have real benefits for a person’s overall health. Licensed Financial Representative, Rita Taylor Stewart will share best practices and tips to help us achieve a financial well-being that will enable us to enjoy life.