Time to Unload the Baggage

How do you unload the baggage of self-doubt, excuses, and fear! What’s holding you back from reaching your full potential? Lina Lassiter shares tips on how to propel forward in your career, relationship and life.

Grief and Loss Experienced by Children

Given the number of unprecedented events that are taking place in the world. We were pleased to have Dr. Avon Hart-Johnson share on the topic grief. During this season where children and adolescents as well as adults are all experiencing an incredible amount of losses, Dr. Hart-Johnson shared her knowledge and research findings around this topic.  Please let me know…

Staying Focused During Stressful Times

Staying focused and productive can be difficult in stressful times. We may find ourselves bombarded by negative messages and anxiety-provoking news. We may feel anxious, sad, or paralyzed. However, not effectively dealing with these emotions can be harmful.  Minister Mary Boyd shares tools on how we can stay focused during stressful times.  

Compassion Fatigue

There are people feeling overwhelmed by the unrest in the world, negative news, and ongoing impact of Covid.  As a result, I wanted to share a few thoughts and tips on how we can and will overcome in the midst of challenging times.  With the constant overload of negative information, many of us are feeling…

The Importance of Self Forgiveness

Making peace and moving forward is often easier said than done.  Being able to forgive yourself requires empathy, compassion, kindness, and understanding.  It also requires you to accept that forgiveness is a choice.  If you need to forgive yourself, this video is a must see.   Lina Lassiter, President & Founder, Forever Healed

Forgiveness After Infidelity

How do you forgive after infidelity when children are involved.  What do you do when a child is born because one suppose had an extramarital relationship?  How do you handle the betrayal and the birth of a child as a result of one partner cheating on another.  Lina Lassiter and Theresa Miller share their personal…

Recovering from Infidelity

Infidelity is one of the most difficult challenges a couple can go through, however forgiveness and building trust are two separate deliberate actions that must be taken to heal, reconcile and restore.  In this video, Lina Lassiter shares tips on how to forgive when there has been infidelity in a relationship.   Lina Lassiter, President…

Tips for Those Grieving During the Holidays

The holidays can be the toughest time of the year, in the midst of a pandemic grief can feel complicated and magnified.   1. Experience the Pain Time doesn’t heal the pain associated with a loss; it’s what you do with that time that matters.  Experiencing the pain—rather than constantly trying to escape it—can actually help…

The Power of Forgiveness Pt.4

Brian Saunders shares his personal testimony of being falsely accused and exonerated of charges that were pending against him. Kevin Lassiter, J.D., shares the importance of having good representation when faced with false allegations that have led to criminal charges.