Grief and Loss in the LGBTQ Community

This population faces a higher amount of discrimination, hate crimes, and violence. The LGBTQ community is faced with other unique losses such as the possibility of rejection from family and friends. This can cause isolation, hurt, anger and depression. Let’s talk about it!

Mind and Money Talk

We all have predetermined beliefs about money. If you would like to adjust your mindset to achieve financial goals, watch our financial session (Mind and Money talk) with our special guest Ayanna Smith, Licensed Financial Professional.

Financial Wellness Pt. 2

Finances are the most common source of stress among men and women. Managing that stress can have real benefits for a person’s overall health. Licensed Financial Representative, Rita Taylor Stewart will share best practices and tips to help us achieve a financial well-being that will enable us to enjoy life.

Financial Loss & Wellness

It might take some time to rebound from a financial loss, but you need to stay level-headed and focused as you navigate through your healing journey. Watch this video today as we provide some tips to help you mentally recover after a financial setback.

Job Loss

One of the worst or best things that can happen from a career perspective is to lose your job.  In this video, Kevin and Lina Lassiter  shared a few tips to help individuals maneuver through loss, healing, and the next journey.  

“Church Hurt” and Resulting Grief

The term “church hurt” often refers to the pain sometimes afflicted by the people of religious institutions. This pain can be a result of abuse of power, loss of expectation in a church, and member to member conflict and/or pain. As a result of the pain, some will distract themselves from their communities and from…

Time to Unload the Baggage

How do you unload the baggage of self-doubt, excuses, and fear! What’s holding you back from reaching your full potential? Lina Lassiter shares tips on how to propel forward in your career, relationship and life.